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University for SDGs

the Central Role of International Dialogue: Sustainability and Human Rights

May 24, 2024
1:OO pm - 7:OO pm

San Servolo Island, Venice

Venice: an international launch platform

Venice's unmatched historical and cultural significance makes it an ideal environment for our events, providing a special ambience that fosters deep conversations and networking. Renowned organisations and specialists have participated in our previous events, highlighting Venice's position as a vibrant hub for promoting sustainable solutions and encouraging change on a local and global level.

The event

The event is part of an annual cycle of meetings in which several Italian cities will play a pivotal role. This series of meetings will last until the end of the year 2024.


Thanks to the dialogue established with both local and national Institutions, Universities, Companies and Third-Sector Entities, University for SDGs aims to generate an important opportunity for discussion inherent to specific Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)


1.30 p.m. - 2.00 p.m. Registration

2.00 p.m. - 3.00 p.m. Content panel

3.oo p.m. - 5.30 p.m. Worktables for each specific themes

5.30 p.m. - 6.00 p.m. Presentation of the suggestions emerged during the worktables

6.00 p.m. - 7.00 p.m. Light Cocktail



Sayed Ahmed Alwadaei


Director of advocacy at the UK-based Bahrain Institute for Rights and Democracy (BIRD)


Theme: advocacy, education and awareness for the calls of democracy and human rights in Bahrain.


Professor Davide Iannuzzi

Chief Impact Officer at VU Amsterdam


Theme: how universities can contribute to sustainability and what they can do to tackle the climate crisis at its root causes and how it is important for such institutions to take a stand in the fight against this global issue.


Dr. Evren Tok

Associate Dean of Community Engagement and Associate Professor at the College of Public Policy, Hamad Bin Khalifa University


Theme: Education for Sustainable Development: The role ecosystems can potential play in fostering Education for Sustainable Development (ESD).


Professor João Luiz Passador

Full professor in the Administration Department of the Ribeirão Preto School of Economics, Administration and Accounting at the University of São Paulo.


Theme: The synergies between the public and private sectors to support sustainable development. Brazil has a significant contribution to make to this discussion, thanks to clean energy sources that are among the most advanced in the world.


Giacomo Di Capua

United Nations Youth Delegate of the Republic of Italy. He is a postgraduate researcher in Climate Health Economics at Technological University Dublin and a sustainability advocate.


Theme: Youth participation in decision-making is one of the priority areas of the UN Agenda.

What is the role of youth delegates in communicating Agenda 2030 to their communities at the local level, as well as across countries and regions?


Bahrain Institute for Rights and Democracy

Vrije Universiteit of Amsterdam

Hamad Bin Khalifa University

Universidade de São Paulo

Vista su Venezia


Roundtable 1

Roundtable 2

Roundtable 3

Advocacy, education and awareness for the calls of democracy and human rights in the Middle East

How universities can contribute to sustainability and what they can do to tackle the climate crisis

Social Business in a Global perspective: A new solution for long-seated problems?

the event is co-organised with Espera consulting srl

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